

公司的电脑里安装了Websense,并将网站归类于三种:A. Business related, B. Non-business related和C. Malicious,按照工作时段设定不同的访问权限,分别是无限制、仅非工作时间访问和禁止访问。而linjunkai.com按理来说应该是属于第二种,即非工作时间还是可以访问的。然而一开始发现公司是完全block这个网站的,争取努力未果之后开始log a ticked找公司的ITS解决:

Priority: 3

C/T/I: Network Access/ Internet/ Access problem

Fault Desc.: Why forbid my personal website even when it is not office time??? http://linjunkai.com

Task Instruction: Please check.

ITS回复很速度,意思就是找你的部门主管批准,说明这是个Business related的网站然后列入公司的白名单。问题是,我仅仅希望将这个网站从C类分类为B类,而不需要分类为A类。ITS的回答没有完全解决这个问题。

From: CN-FM ITS Service Desk (SH)

Sent: 2011年4月15日 16:47

To: Lin, Jacky (SH/A25)

Subject: blocked page issue


As you know that we are using company laptops covered by Websense, which often categorizes illegal sites into non-business and malicious sites.

For example, www.taobao.com belongs to no-business site, which is accessible during non-office time, but that malicious site is always blocked regardless of time, where there is potential risk.

If blocked page is for your job, please get approval from your head, relevant application will be transferred to security team, which will handle the issue upon risk.

If you have any questions about this issue, please keep ITS informed, many tks!

于是我开始查找Websense的相关信息。Websense是根据URL和IP地址来将网站进行归类,然后每家公司对各个网站分类设置不同的访问权限。于是我登陆了Websense的网站查询工具ACEinsight,查询了linjunkai.com的分类,结果我喷了一口水,我是赌博网站……于是我点了网页最下面的suggest@websense.com,报告了一个Miscategory Appeal。


From: Websense DB Update [mailto:databasechange2@websense.com]

Sent: 2011年4月18日 15:57

To: Lin, Jacky (SH/A25)

Subject: Thank you for your Websense DB Update inquiry

Thank you for writing to Websense.

The site you submitted has been reviewed by Websense Security Labs.  We have made an update to the following URL(s) in our master database to address this issue:

http://linjunkai.com/ – Blogs and Personal Sites

Categorization updates should be available in the next scheduled publication of the database.  A new database is published every business day, five days a week, Pacific Standard Time.  You should notice any updates referred to in this message within 72 hours.

Thank you for your assistance,

The Websense Database Services Staff


Monday, April 18, 2011 12:56:49 AM

后来我回想了一下,Websense为什么把我列入Potentially Damaging Content呢?从Websense网站上得到的信息是这么说的:静态分类是基于网站的URL分析,而实时分类是会持续扫描网页的内容自动分类。那么我网站URL为什么会表示这是一个有害的网站呢?我想到了这样一个解释:因为网址中包含了*junk*……




最新的情况是:Websense将我的website分类为Finance,这样就是Business Related Website了!



《 “不自由,毋宁死” 》 有 2 条评论

  1. 最后为啥又归为Finance了?是分析了网页的内容?


    1. 我的猜测是:
      Static category静态分类是从URL来分析,人工分类可以覆盖URL的自动分析
      Real-time category实时分类是从网页内容来分析


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